
Some people camp out for them, others wake up at midnight for them. In the last 12 years, ten people have even died during them. What are they? They’re the Black Friday Sales – and they start today.

We may not celebrate Thanksgiving here in Australia, but that doesn’t stop our department stores, online retailers and even our smaller boutiques from getting in on the Black Friday action.

Traditionally held on the day after Thanksgiving – when Christmas shopping in the US is reportedly cranked up several hundred notches – Black Friday sees big name brands slash the prices on most, if not all of their stock, all in the name of helping their customers ‘get ahead’ on their Christmas shopping lists.

But while some save on the latest smart TV or kitchen appliance, others pay a much heavier price – over a hundred people have been injured in Black Friday-related stampedes, attacks and accidents, and ten have died. Someone has even created a website tracking the real impact of the phenomenon, at www.blackfridaydeathcount.com.

Even when Black Friday – which has now stretched out to also cover Saturday and Sunday – passes without incident, there’s no denying that shoppers all over the world are overcome by sale-induced madness. Between queuing up outside department stores awaiting their 4am opening time and spending hours on end battling through crowds in search of the ultimate bargain, the promise of big savings has proved more than enough to push people to spend, spend, spend – so much so, that last year Black Friday sales totalled more than $50billion US dollars.

But how does Black Friday fare down under? Despite a reported 27% of Australians never having heard of the super-sale (according to a 2017 report by McCrindle), Aussie retailers – both online and brick and mortar – continue to offer massive savings over the traditional Black Friday weekend, and even beyond, since the invention of ‘Cyber Monday’ sales over a decade ago.

So, whether you’re planning on ticking off your Christmas list or simply hoping to score a couple of bargains for yourself, Black Friday might be worth looking into.

These are our best starting points to dip your toe in the water…

In need of a little Black Friday helper? Instead of scouring the internet in search of the best deals, let the Google Chrome Extension ‘Honey’ do the leg work for you! Simply shop on your favourite online stores as normal, then click on the Honey icon when you go to check out – they will find and compare all of the discount codes they find to ensure you pay the lowest possible price.

Anastasia White

Anastasia White  

Anastasia (‘Anny’ to her friends and family, thanks to some nickname experimentation in year 4 that unfortunately stuck) is a born-and-bred Brisbanite with a love of coffee and her cat, Olive. Having recently finished a degree in journalism, Anastasia loves being able to learn and write about so many different topics for a variety of audiences.