
Glowing, youthful skin doesn’t have to feel like a distant memory – there are a few key ingredients that can help you gain (and maintain) the glow, all year ‘round.

With Bachelor’s degrees in Nursing and Naturopathy, advanced diplomas in Naturopathy, Nutrition and Western Herbal Medicine and certification from the Australasian Academy of Anti-Ageing Medicine (A5M), there’s no one better equipped to share her top five ingredients than cosmetic nurse and founder of The Wellness Group, Madeline Calfas.

Derived from soy, isoflavones are amazing for helping to address oestrogen depletion in the skin, which is partially responsible for volume loss and the appearance of wrinkles. Topical application of isoflavones can strengthen the junction between the dermis and epidermis (which helps improve the appearance of wrinkles), increase hydration in the skin and can also regulate pigment. 

Niacinamide (B3)
Niacinamide – also known as Vitamin B3 – is a multi-functional active ingredient. It acts to reduce inflammation, improve cutaneous barrier function (think hydration), reduce dermal atrophy (bye bye, wrinkles and sagging!), and reduce oxidative stress and hyperpigmentation by inhibiting melanin transfer. Put simply, niacinamide is your new best friend.

DMAE (Dimethylaminoethanol)
Try saying the name of this antiageing therapeutic ingredient three times fast! DMAE works by stimulating muscle fibers to improve tonicity and firmness in the skin. It is excellent for skin that is experiencing volume loss and post-menopausal skin. We’ll certainly be keeping it in our back pocket.

Vitamin B5 (D-Panthenol)
Like Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5 – also known as D-Panthenol – has been known to improve the skin’s barrier function. It is an excellent treatment for dry and irritable skin, repairing the skin’s cutaneous barrier to improve hydration. It also may have an anti-inflammatory effect and, over time, reduce scarring. Sign us up!

Vitamin A (Retinol)
This natural antioxidant has gained quite the positive reputation for its anti-aging properties. Fabulous for skin that is losing volume, retinol can be used to help brown spots and melasma, and can have a positive impact on skin that has thickened with ageing as it improves the epidermis. It can also increase cellular turnover, and reduce wrinkles and skin roughness. It’s a little superhero in a bottle.



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