
If you have a massive sweet tooth like us, you will know how hard it is to find deliciously sweet food that is good for you! That’s why Sally Obermeder created this Choc Caramel Sambos recipe in her book, Simple and Lean. It has everything you know and love about chocolate and caramel but in a new and updated way that’s fast, easy to make and delicious!

1012 KJ/242 Calories per serve
Makes approximately 12


  • 15 medjool dates, pitted
  • 110g hazelnut meal
  • 4 tablespoons cacao powder
  • Small pinch of salt


  • 80g cashews (or nuts of your choice)
  • 8 medjool dates, pitted
  • 2 teaspoons coconut oil


1. Line a baking tray with baking paper. In a food processor, blend 12 of the dates, the hazelnut meal, cacao powder and salt until a thick mixture forms. Add 3 more dates to the food processor and blend again until the mixture is sticky and hold together well.

2. Using your hands, make small rounds of ‘bikkies’. You want these to be evenly sized. Place them on the prepared tray.

3. To make the filling put the cashews into the food processor and blend to a fine texture. Add the dates and coconut oil and blend until well combined and the mixture becomes sticky.

4. Spead the filling onto half of the bikkies, then top with the other half of the bikkies – these are your sambos!

5. Pop them into the fridge or freezer for a least 30 minutes to cool and set before serving.




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