
How do you boost your mood? For some, it’s sipping a warm cup of tea while reading a good book – for others (guilty as charged) ten minutes spent scrolling on our phones can be enough for us to forget about our troubles.

Here’s the thing: it isn’t always a good idea to rely on sedentary activities to boost our mood. It makes it easier to fall easily into unhealthy habits, even ones we know aren’t good for us.

Don’t worry – you’re not alone. A new national survey has found less than half of Aussies choose to participate in physical activity to lift their mood, with sedentary entertainment activities like watching TV and gaming revealed to be the most popular mood-boosting options.

Perhaps you feel that being healthy is too expensive or it’s too easy to fall into unhealthy habits like smoking, over consuming junk food and lying around on the couch. Or, perhaps you just don’t think you have enough time to incorporate healthy habits into your routine? Again, guilty as charged!

Luckily, sports presenter Erin Holland has teamed up with Zespri SunGold to help those who are ready to make small, healthy changes to their routine. It really couldn’t be simpler.

Erin has shared a five-minute ‘Uplifting Routine’ with simple dance steps to try yourself. You can check it out right here.

Either before or after your workout, fuel your body with a Zespri SunGold Kiwifruit Mini Parfait. You can prepare one yourself in just five minutes! 



  • 120g Greek yoghurt
  • 1 tsp honey 
  • 1/8 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 tbsp low-sugar granola or muesli 
  • 2 x Zespri SunGold Kiwifruit


  • In a small bowl, combine the yoghurt, honey and the cinnamon. 
  • Peel both of the kiwifruit. Slice one into 2cm thick pieces and chop the other into small pieces/chunks.
  • Grab a small glass jar/container and place some of the thick kiwifruit slices around the sides of the glass jar. Layer the yoghurt mixture onto the bottom then add the granola on top. Sprinkle with the remaining chopped kiwifruit and enjoy.


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